
50 Years of Space Exploration

This is amazing! The image is way too large to post, so be sure to click on this link on a big monitor.

I'm excited for the first storm of the season to clear away all the smog and give us in LA a brief window to look at the stars. I think I'll make it up to the Griffith Observatory sometime soon.

-jc del barco ii



Fully Flared

Girl Films (2007)
Lakai Team.
Intro and other sequences directed by Spike Jonze.
Shot by Ty Evans.
Song "Lower Your Eyelids to Die With the Sun" by M83 (2005)

This film has some very potent elements and makers. It's just awesome to watch.

Coming this Christmas

An album of songs that are holiday classics and songs that are holiday originals that is made by friends and myself for yourself and our and your friends and family. Stay tuned as the holiday spirit fills your veins.
