1) Playing the guitar is my favorite thing to do.2) Guy friends make everyday a good day. Thanks Brothers.
3) Gin martinis are fantastic.
4) Lee's Sandwiches makes a mean sardine sandwich and avocado smoothie.
5) Girls are fucking crazy. (The band and the gender)
6) Grizzly Bear has a pretty rad drummer.
7) The fortune teller in NYC was right.
8) Black Licorice.
9) Good coworkers and bad coworkers make or break any job.
10) Smile.
11) Mike Burrows is a man.
12) If I keep the dishes done, the rest of the house sort of ends up getting clean.
13) Westside is the best side.
14) Family is still great.
15) Slunt.
16) I like children's films.
17) Bring whiskey in a flask and put in diet coke at theater. It makes even "New Moon" bearable.
19) I love you, Runty.
20) It's ok to not be busy.
21) "It's easy to get a girl out of your league so long as she has daddy issues."
22) Mad Men
23) My life is great and I feel like the luckiest guy alive. Thanks to those of you that pitched in. I owe you one.
-jc del barco ii